Ants’ Ally
Ants’ Ally
Puppet show, written and directed by Mohamed El-Sawy
Duration: 25minutes – Age group: 6 years +
“Tayeb” is the name of the main character of the story. Tayeb is a young student that was advised by his eye doctor to wear eye glasses for the first time. He went to pick them up; little that he knew was that he picked up the wrong glasses, glasses that belonged to someone else. However, he started wearing them and suddenly everything seemed a lot bigger than reality.
Tayeb starts noticing the ants as they were being squashed by people’s feet, being run over by their cars and being completely ignored by people. So he decides to look for solutions to defend the ants’ right to a safe and peaceful life. He runs a lot of interesting experiments until he and some of his friends find the ultimate and practical way to save the ants’ lives by everyone’s cooperation.
Moral of the story: To hold on to the values of justice for all beings alike no matter how small.