What We Offer

Cultural seminars and lectures
Elsawy Culturewheel is discussing various topics during the seminars, encouraging, and ensuring freedom of thought and expression of opinion
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Elsawy culturewheel is keen to present Arabic or international music genres in the monthly music program
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Elsakia Cinema encourages young talented film makers by welcoming their work and present their creative feature films
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Sakia opens its doors to all theatrical groups, amateur and professional alike, to present their theatrical works
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Art Exhibitions
The Number Of Annual Exhibitions Currently Exceeds 100 Exhibitions, Our Interest In Fine Art Extends To Organize Many Competitions
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Sakia Academy
El Sakia offers many workshops to teach the principles of arts and literature of all types and levels
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The Main Branch Of Elsakia At Zamalek Includes A Public Library Containing A Valuable Collection Of Books For Young And Old
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Family and children
Children are our first priorities, so we have launched a number of annual festivals.
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Schools and Universities
Elsakia opens its halls to host many student activities and graduation ceremonies
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Embassies and Cultural Centers
Elsakia is keen to provide communication between its audience and the leaders of other cultures
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Artists and Presenters
We welcome your project to present a concert, a theater show, a feature film, a documentary, a movie, an evening or a seminar in any field
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There are a variety of ways to build a partnership between you and our cultural center
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